Families treated & online

Families treated & online

This is an alphabetical list of the families/taxa treated in published Flora Malesiana volumes. Links to online resources are provided.

Series 1 – Seed Plants

Family/Taxon treated (FM volume) – author(s) – links to Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), Digital Academic Repository (DAR), FM Dataportal, Pensoft ‘Advanced Books’

Series 2 – Pteridophyta

Family/Taxon treated (FM volume) – author(s) – links to Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), Digital Academic Repository (DAR)

  • Azollaceae (vol. 3) – Saunders, R.M.K. – DAR
  • Blechnaceae (vol. 4) – Nooteboom, H.P. et al. – DAR
  • Cheiropleuriaceae (vol. 3) – Laferriere, J.E. – DAR
  • Cyatheaceae (vol. 1) – Holttum, R.E. –  DARBHL
  • Davalliaceae (vol. 3) – Nooteboom, H.P. – DAR
  • Equisetaceae (vol. 3) – Laferriere, J.E. – DAR
  • Gleicheniaceae (vol. 1) – Holttum, R.E. –  DARBHL
  • Hypodematiaceae (vol. 4) – Nooteboom, H.P. – DAR
  • Isoetaceae (vol. 1) – Alston, A.H.G. –  DARBHL
  • Lindsaea-Group (vol. 1) [Lindsaeaceae C.Presl ex M.R.Schomb. in PPG I (2016)] – Kramer, K.U. –  DARBHL
  • Lomariopsis Group (vol. 1) [Lomariopsidaceae Alston and Dryopteridaceae Herter subfamily Elaphoglossoideae (Pic.Serm.) Crabbe, Jermy & Mickel in PPG I (2016)] – Holttum, R.E. –  DARBHL
  • Matoniaceae (vol. 3) – Kato, M. – DAR
  • Monachosoraceae (vol. 4) – Nooteboom, H.P. – DAR
  • Nephrolepidaceae (vol. 4) – Hovenkamp, P.H. & Miyamoto, F. – DAR
  • Oleandraceae (vol. 4) – Hovenkamp, P.H. & Boon-Chuan Ho – DAR
  • Plagiogyriaceae (vol. 3) – Zhang, X.C. & Nooteboom, H.P. – DAR
  • Polypodiaceae (vol. 3) – Hovenkamp, P.H. et al. – DRA
  • Pteridaceae – subfamily Parkerioideae (vol. 4) – Nooteboom, H.P. et al. – DRA
  • Schizaeaceae (vol. 1) – Holttum, R.E. – DARBHL
  • Tectaria Group (vol. 2) [mainly Tectariaceae Panigrahi and Dryopteridaceae Herter subfamily Elaphoglossoideae (Pic.Serm.) Crabbe, Jermy & Mickel in PPG I (2016)] – Holttum, R.E. – DARBHL
  • Tectaria Group – Arthropteris (vol. 4) [Tectariaceae Panigrahi in PPG I (2016)] – Hovenkamp, P.H. & Leonardia, A.A.P. – DAR
  • Thelypteridaceae (vol. 1) – Holttum, R.E. –  DARBHL

Digital Academic Repository of Naturalis Biodiversity Center: All published FM family treatments are available as pdfs. Various other resources including FM precursor papers are also available.

Biodiversity Heritage Library: Volumes 1, 4-14 in Series I, Seed Plants; volumes 1 and 2, part 1 in Series II, Pteridophyta.

Pensoft Publishers: A deeply integrated and interlinked eBook format is available for the Myristicaceae treatment (de Wilde, 2000).

Flora Malesiana Dataportal: The data portal is based on the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy. The portal has been developed by a collaboration of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin. Flora Malesiana Series I volumes 11 Part 3, 12-20 and Series II volumes 2 and 3 have been marked up and are partly available through the data portal. This consists of almost 4,500 pages of printed treatments, covering around 3,820 taxa belonging to 33 families. Please keep in mind that the data portal is still being developed and as such does not yet have all functionality available. For details, see Hamann et al. (2014), Taxon 63(2): 377-393.