

Back Issues and other FM Publications

All family treatments and various other FM content are available online as pdfs from the Digital Academic Repository of Naturalis Biodiversity Center.

For order inquiries for hard copies, please contact the Library of Botany and Horticulture at Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Series I – Seed plants

Volume 1
Malesian Plant Collectors. Out of stock, reprint available from Koeltz Scientific Books.
Volumes 2 & 3
Were not published.
Volumes 4, 5 & 6
Out of stock.
Volume 7 – Complete volume (1976)
Hardbound, 894 pp.
Volume 7 part 1 (1971)
Paperback, pp. 1-263. Revisions: Byblidaceae, Cardiopteridaceae, Clethraceae, Haloragaceae, Icacinaceae, Lemnaceae, Lophopyxidaceae, Ochnaceae, Oxalidaceae, Portulacaceae, Violaceae.
Volume 7 part 2 (1972)
Paperback, pp. 265-434. Revisions: Fagaceae, Passifloraceae.
Volume 7 part 3 (1974)
Paperback, pp. 435-753. Revision: Cyperaceae.
Volume 7 part 4 (1976)
Paperback, pp. (1)-(18), 755-876. Revisions: Balanophoraceae, Leeaceae, Taccaceae. Biography of H.J. Lam. Addenda to vols. 4 to 7. Index to vol. 7.
Volume 8 – Complete volume (1978)
Hardbound, 718 pp.
Volume 8 part 1 (1974)
Paperback, pp. I-CXV + 1-30. Revision: Hypericaceae. Cyclopaedia of Collectors Suppl. II.
Volume 8 part 2 (1977)
Paperback, pp. 31-300. Revisions: Bignoniaceae, Cornaceae, Crypteroniaceae, Iridaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Onagraceae, Symplocaceae, Ulmaceae.
Volume 8 part 3 (1978)
Paperback, pp. (6)-(16) + 301-577. Revisions: Anacardiaceae, Labiatae. Biography of F.A.W. Miquel. Addenda to vols. 4 to 8. Index to vol. 8.
Out of stock.
Volume 9 part 1 (1979)
Paperback, pp. 1-235. Revisions: Araliaceae-I, Liliaceae s.s.
Volume 9 parts 2 and 3
Out of stock
Volume 10 – Complete volume (1989)
Volume 10 part 1 (1984)
Paperback, pp. 1-121. Revisions: Aristolochiaceae, Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Triuridaceae.
Volume 10 part 2 (1986)
Paperback, pp. 123-336. Revisions: Alseuosmiaceae, Chloranthaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Menispermaceae, Monimiaceae, Sphenostemonaceae, Trimeniaceae.
Volume 10 part 3 (1988)
Paperback, pp. 337-634. Revisions: Araucariaceae, Coniferales, Cruciferae, Ctenolophonaceae, Cupressaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Linaceae, Magnoliaceae, Pinaceae, Podocarpaceae, Polygalaceae, Sabiaceae, Taxaceae.
Out of stock
Volume 10 part 4 (1989)
Paperback, pp. (1)-(43), 635-748. Revisions: Chrysobalanaceae, Sabiaceae. Biography of C.L. Blume. Addenda to vols. 4 to 10. Index to vol. 10.
Volume 11 part 1 (1992)
Paperback, pp. 1-226. Revision: Mimosaceae (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae). Index to part 1.
Volume 11 part 2 (1993)
Paperback, pp. 227-418. Revisions: Alliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Coriariaceae, Pentastemonaceae, Rosaceae, Stemonaceae. Index to part 2.
Volume 11 part 3 (1994)
Paperback, pp. 419-768. Revision: Sapindaceae. Index to part 3.
Volume 12 part 1 (1995)
Paperback, pp. 1-407. Revision: Meliaceae. Index to part 1.
Volume 12 part 2 (1996)
Paperback, 409-784. Revisions: Caesalpiniaceae, Geitonoplesiaceae, Hernandiaceae, Lowiaceae. Index to part 2.
Volume 13 (1997)
Paperback, 450 pp. Revisions: Boraginaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Illiciaceae, Loranthaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Schisandraceae, Viscaceae. Index.
Volume 14 (2000)
Paperback, 634 pp. Revision: Myristicaceae. Index.
Volume 15 (2001)
Paperback,164 pp., 19 drawings Revision: Nepenthaceae. Index.
Volume 16 (2002)
Paperback, 216 pp., ill. Revisions: Caryophyllaceae, Cunoniaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Zosteraceae, Cymodoceaceae.
Volume 17-1 (2006)
Paperback, 154 pp., 25 figures, including CD-ROM. Revisions: Moraceae – genera other than Ficus.
Volume 17-2 (2005)
Paperback, 730 pp., 133 figures, including CD-ROM. Revisions: Moraceae – Ficus.
Volume 18 (2007)
Paperback, 474 pp., 113 figures, including CD-ROM. Apocynaceae (subfamilies Rauvolfioideae and Apocynoideae) by D.J. Middleton.
Volume 19 (2010)
Paperback, 342 pp., 98 figures, including CD-ROM. Cucurbitaceae by W.J.J.O. de Wilde and B.E.E. Duyfjes.
Volume 20 (2011)
Paperback, 66 pp., 61 figures. Acoraceae, Pandaceae, Picrodendraceae.
Volume 21 (2013)
Paperback, 133 pp., figures, including CD-ROM. Lecythidaceae, Peraceae.
Volume 22 (2016)
Paperback, 68 pp., 23 figures. Lythraceae by W.J.J.O. de Wilde and B.E.E. Duyfjes.
Volume 23 (2019)
Paperback, 444 pp., 46 figures. Lamiaceae by G.M.C. Bramley (ed.).
Volume 24 (2020)
Paperback, iv + 66 pp., 21 figures. Cornaceae – 2 by W.J.J.O. de Wilde & B.E.E. Duyfjes.

Series II – Pteridophytes

Volume 1 part 1-3
Out of stock
Volume 1 part 4 (1978)
Paperback, pp. 255-330. Revision: Lomariopsis group.
Volume 1 part 5 (1981)
Paperback, pp. (1)-(20), 331-599. Revision: Thelypteridaceae. Biography of C.F.A. Christensen. Addenda and index to vol. 1.
Volume 2 part 1 (1991)
Paperback, pp. 1-132. Revision: Tectaria group.
Volume 3 (1998)
Paperback, pp. vi + 1-334. Revisions: Polypodiaceae, Davalliaceae, Azollaceae, Cheiropleuriaceae, Equisetaceae, Matoniaceae, Plagiogyriaceae. Index.
Volume 4 (2012)
Paperback, 149 pp. Blechnaceae, Hypodematiaceae, Monachosoraceae, Nephrolepidaceae, Oleandraceae.
Volume 5 (2023)
Paperback, 173 pp. Hymenophyllaceae.

Flora Malesiana Symposium Proceedings

FM10, Edinburgh, UK:  Sibbaldia 16 (2018). Wilkie, P. (ed.). 10th Flora Malesiana Symposium Proceedings, 11-15 July 2016. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

FM8, Singapore: Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 63(1-2) (2011). Wong, K.M. (ed.) (2010). Proceedings of the 8th Flora Malesiana Symposium. Singapore: Singapore Botanic Gardens.

FM7, Leiden, Netherlands: Blumea 54(1-3) (2009). Hovenkamp, P. (ed.) (2009). Proceedings of the 7th Flora Malesiana Symposium. Leiden: Nationaal Herbarium Nederland.

FM5, Sydney, Australia: Telopea 10(1) (2003). Everett, J. & Wilson, P.G. (eds). Proceedings of the 5th International Flora Malesiana Symposium 2001. Sydney: Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, 2003.

FM4, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Saw, L.G., Chua, L.S.L. & Khoo, K.C. (eds) (2001). Taxonomy: the cornerstone of biodiversity. Proceedings of the Fourth International Flora Malesiana Symposium 1998. Kuala Lumpur: Forest Research Institute Malaysia.

FM3, London, UK. Dransfield, J., Coode, M.J.E. & Simpson, D.A. (eds) (1997). Plant Diversity in Malesia III: Proceedings of the Third International Flora Malesiana Symposium 1995. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens.

FM1, Leiden, Netherlands. Baas, P., Kalkman, K. and Geesink, R. (eds) (1990). The Plant Diversity of Malesia: Proceedings of the Flora Malesiana Symposium Commemorating Professor Dr. C.G.G.J. van Steenis. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Flora Malesiana Identification Lists of Malesian Specimens

Flora Malesiana Identification Lists of Malesian specimens are freely available for those botanists and institutes collaborating in the Flora Malesiana Project upon request.

FM Bulletin Back Issues

All family treatments and other FM content are available online as pdfs from the Digital Academic Repository of Naturalis Biodiversity Center. FM Bulletin back issues are freely available for those botanists and institutes collaborating in the Flora Malesiana Project upon request.

Flora Malesiana CD-ROMs

Flora Malesiana CD-ROM content has been made available online here:

Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Leguminosae – Caesalpinioideae of South East Asia
Author(s): J.W.A. Ridder-Numan & I. de Kort (eds.)
Version: 1.0
The Leguminosae are one of the most important plant families: many species are used as food, green manure or timber. This CD-ROM holds a detailed information system covering all 247 species of the Caesalpiniodeae, native and cultivated, in the Flora Malesiana region. Based on Flora Malesiana Vol. 12.2 by Ding Hou, K.Larsen and S.S.Larsen, this work is much extended with over 1000 illustrations, full descriptions, information on uses, habitat, ecology, and distribution for each taxon (including the Mimosoideae genera). Identification is facilitated by two types of computer assisted keys: a dichotomous key to all caesalpinioid species (and the mimosoid genera) and several multi-access keys: one to the genera and species of the Caesalpinioideae, and five to the species in each of the larger groups. An innovative diagnostic system allows complex searches on distribution, uses and habitat. An interactive geographic information system presents distribution data and supports geographic comparisons. A literature database with ca. 200 references and a hyperlinked illustrated glossary to more than 750 botanical terms are part of the system. This CD-ROM is a a taxonomic reference work that belongs in every scientific library on plants in SE Asia. €43.95
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Leguminosae – Mimosoideae of South-East Asia
Author(s): J.W.A. Ridder-Numan & I. de Kort (eds.)
Version: 1.0
The Leguminosae are one of the most important plant families: many species are used as food, green manure or timber. This CD-ROM holds a detailed information system covering all 212 species of the Mimosoideae, native and cultivated, in the Flora Malesiana region. Based on Flora Malesiana Vol. 11.1 by I.C. Nielsen, this work is much extended with over 1600 unique illustrations, full descriptions, information on uses, habitat, ecology, and distribution for each taxon (including the Caesalpinioideae genera). Identification is facilitated by three types of computer assisted keys: a dichotomous key to all mimosoid species (and the caesalpinioid genera), and a pictorial key plus a multi-access key to mimosoids. An innovative diagnostic system allows complex searches on distribution, uses and habitat. An interactive geographic information system presents distribution data and supports geographic comparisons. A literature database with 216 references and a hyperlinked illustrated glossary to more than 750 botanical terms are part of the system. This CD-ROM is a taxonomic reference work that belongs in every scientific library on plants in SE Asia. € 35.50
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of New Guinea Vol. I – Illustrated Checklist and Genera
Author(s): A. Schuiteman, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
The orchid flora of New Guinea is one of the richest in the world, with some 2500 species in about 130 genera. This CD-ROM presents the first comprehensive overview of all the genera currently known to occur in New Guinea, supplemented with a checklist of all the species. It contains descriptions of the genera and selected species, keys for identification, and a hyperlinked glossary. For each genus and species the full synonymy is given. The nicest feature of this CD-ROM is the large number of illustrations, ranging from manuscript drawings and old plates to digitised color slides, many depicting rare species, most never published before. This CD-ROM was compiled at the Leiden Branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands, formerly known as the Rijksherbarium. Other leading botanical institutes, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, as well as several excellent photographers have contributed to this CD-ROM, which should be in the collection of every professional and amateur who is interested in the orchids of Southeast Asia and the Pacific in general, and those of New Guinea in particular. € 59.00
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of New Guinea Vol. II – Dendrobium and allied genera
Author(s): A. Schuiteman, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
Dendrobium is horticulturally the most significant orchid genus of New Guinea. Together with the three closely related genera Cadetia, Diplocaulobium, and Flickingeria it is the subject of this CD-ROM, which was written and compiled by Mr. Andr?? Schuiteman and Dr. Ed de Vogel of the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden branch (formerly known as the Rijksherbarium), in co-operation with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. This CD-ROM contains about 3000 images, 29 generic and sectional descriptions, a database covering some 560 species, tools for identification, a hyperlinked, richly illustrated glossary with over 550 terms, notes on cultivation, and much more; in short: the largest collection of data on New Guinea Dendrobiinae ever assembled. It is the second volume in a planned series, which will eventually cover all the orchid genera and species of New Guinea, and, ultimately, all Southeast Asia. Treating one of the most attractive of all orchid groups, with superb pictures supplied by dozens of first rate photographers, this CD-ROM should be in the collection of every amateur interested in these plants. It is also a must for professionals who deal with conservation, cultivation, taxonomy, etc., of Southeast Asian orchids. € 59.00
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of New Guinea Vol. III – Genera Acanthephippium to Hymenorchis (excluding Dendrobiinae s.l.)
Author(s): A. Schuiteman, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
This CD-ROM reflects the state of the art in our expertise of the incredibly rich orchid flora of New Guinea, pertaining to 60 genera (Acanthephippium to Hymenorchis) with nearly 600 species. Important genera include Calanthe, Coelogyne, Corybas, Eria, and Glomera. Not treated here are the genera Dendrobium and Bulbophyllum with their allies, as these are the subjects of separate volumes in this series (vol. II and VI respectively). For every species a full description is given, with data on distribution (including maps), synonymy, cultivation, ecology, typification, classification, etc. An impressive collection of color photographs and drawings, both published and unpublished, adds to the exceptional value of this CD-ROM. Several leading botanical institutes, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, and the National Capital Botanic Garden, Port Moresby, as well as many well-known photographers have contributed to this CD-ROM, which is a must for all who are interested in the orchids of New Guinea and Southeast Asia. € 59.00
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of New Guinea Vol. IV – Genera Kuhlhasseltia to Ophioglossella
Author(s): A. Schuiteman, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
This CD-ROM treats 19 genera (Kuhlhasseltia to Ophioglossella) with nearly 400 species. Among the major genera are Liparis, Malaxis, Mediocalcar, Oberonia, and Octarrhena. For every species a full description is given, with data on distribution (including maps in full colour), synonymy, cultivation, ecology, typification, classification, references, etc. An impressive collection of colour photographs and drawings, both published and unpublished, complements the texts. Several leading botanical institutes, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, and the National Capital Botanic Garden, Port Moresby, as well as many well-known photographers have contributed to make this highly praised CD-ROM series a must for all who are interested in the orchids of New Guinea and Southeast Asia. € 59.00
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of New Guinea Vol. V – Genera Pachystoma to Zeuxine (excluding Dendrobiinae s.l.)
Author(s): A. Schuiteman, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
This CD-ROM, the fifth volume in the series Flora Malesiana: Orchids of New Guinea, treats 46 genera (Pachystoma to Zeuxine) with 478 species and varieties. Among the major genera are Peristylus, Phreatia, Plocoglottis, Spathoglottis, Taeniophyllum and Trichotosia. Genera of horticultural importance include Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Renanthera, Spathoglottis and Vanda. For every species a full description is given, with data on distribution (including maps in full color), synonymy, cultivation, ecology, typification, classification, references, etc. An impressive collection of color photographs and drawings, both published and unpublished, complements the texts. Several leading botanical institutes, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, and the National Capital Botanic Garden, Port Moresby, as well as many well-known photographers have contributed to make this highly praised CD-ROM series a must for all who are interested in the orchids of New Guinea and Southeast Asia. € 59.00
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of New Guinea Vol. VI – Genus Bulbophyllum
Author(s): A. Schuiteman, J.J. Vermeulen, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
This CD-ROM, the final volume in the series, treats the mega-genus Bulbophyllum. Two genera that clearly belong to Bulbophyllum, namely Pedilochilus and Saccoglossum, are provisionally maintained here pending the formal transfer of the species concerned. Some 635 species are treated in detail. For each species a full description is given, with data on distribution (including maps), synonymy, cultivation, ecology, typification, classification, etc. In excess of 2500 color photographs and drawings add to the value of this CD-ROM. A special feature, as compared to prior volumes, are the about 1000 stereo and stereo-macro images made by Peter Jongejan. These offer amazing 3D views of some of the most intricate flowers in the Plant Kingdom. Several leading botanical institutes, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, and the National Capital Botanic Garden, Port Moresby, as well as many well-known photographers have contributed to make this CD-ROM a must for all who are interested in the orchids of New Guinea and Southeast Asia. € 59.00
Flora Malesiana CD-ROM: Orchids of The Philippines Vol. I – Illustrated Checklist and Genera
Author(s): E.M.G. Agoo, A. Schuiteman, E.F. de Vogel
Version: 1.0
The Philippines have a unique and rich orchid flora of almost 1000 species, of which about 74% are found nowhere else in the world. This CD-ROM presents an overview with descriptions of the 137 genera and provides a checklist of all species. It contains keys for identification, a hyperlinked glossary, and, above all, numerous beautiful photographs and drawings, often depicting species rarely if ever illustrated before. This CD-ROM was compiled at the Leiden branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands and the Philippine National Museum, Manila. Other leading botanical institutes, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and the Botanical Museum, Copenhagen, as well as many well-known photographers have contributed to this CD-ROM. It will prove to be a tremendously useful and enjoyable resource for all who are interested in the orchids of the Philippines and Southeast Asia. € 59.50